Daddy's Desk - Mar, 2007 "The Sponge"
There’s a new reality TV show, “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader”. It pits grown-ups with large egos against 11 year olds with large brains, with lots of cash prizes waiting to be claimed. After a week of realizing I am decidedly NOT Smarter Than a 5th Grader, I’ve decided to set my sights on my 2 year old while I can. I came home one night to find my two older sons teaching Christopher the planets of the solar system. One by one Christopher rattled off the planets. He even scored bonus points by naming the planet formerly known as “Pluto”. I was impressed. I recalled that my other son Adam could recite all 30 NHL teams just by looking at their logos before he was 3 years old. We’ve all heard the cliché about a child’s brain being like a sponge, and I’m beginning to realize that “sponge” theory actually “holds water”. Besides being able to name all the planets, Christopher can also recognize different automobile makes and models. He spots the Volvo grill while we’re out and about and declares it is Miss Seana’s car (Miss Seana drives a Volvo). Christopher also corrects me as I’m driving if I take a questionable turn down an unfamiliar street…”Where are you going, Daddy?” We go to Buffalo once, maybe twice a year, yet Christopher can probably navigate us around town as if he lived there. He knows more Spanish in 6 months than I retained in 6 years. He has figured out all the capabilities of our home stereo system and will frequently pop a favorite CD into the tray when the mood strikes him. Lately it’s the soundtrack to “Rocky”, almost like he’s training to take over the family some day. The list of impressive accomplishments goes on and on. Every day my wife and I marvel at his latest exploits. Meanwhile, I can only wonder, what accomplishments can I claim? If Christopher’s brain is like an absorbing sponge, then my brain must be like that sponge you accidentally dropped behind the clothes dryer 4 years ago, now covered in lint. Other than the occasional clever analogy (see last sentence), I’m not sure my brain can compete. About the only thing I’ve learned this week is, I’ve got to stop watching reality TV.
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